Category: Uncategorized


Art is freedom. It is one’s ability and means to create their own world as they see fit, establish its environment, and set its rules. In that, they hold complete powers over that universe, as they enter and exit it at will. Their creation is their sanctuary to do as they please with, and it …

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Dady was born on September 7, 1911 in Birtultau, Germany (now Biertułtowy, Poland), the youngest sibling to brother, Ismar, and sister, Rosa. By the time this strong-minded and politically aware student reached high school, he identified as a socialist, a volatile situation for a young Jewish student. In January 1933, Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany and began …

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Welcome back!

Yup, same URL, but with new design and content. To keep up with the ever-progressing technology, and allow access from all platforms and devices, I am happy to launch this new website. Enjoy, keep in touch, and pass it on. Ophir

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